
Health is a state of
complete harmony
of the body, mind
and spirit B.K.S. IYENGAR

Is there something missing in your life?

Are you stuck in a rut?

Do you know you have healing to do,
but have no idea where to start?


● Struggle with anxiety and depression
● Find it difficult to move on from a traumatic experience
● Repeat destructive behaviours, patterns or relationships
● Are being limited by a serious medical condition
● Lack the purpose, joy, peace and fulfilment you desire

You can be the person you desire and deserve to be

Hi, I’m Alison Middleton Timms, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, IIN-accredited health coach and sought-after speaker. I’ll empower you to bring your mind, body and soul into balance, enabling you to thrive and flourish throughout life’s challenges. I offer my clients strategies, tools and techniques to develop resilience through self-understanding.

My unique approach combines diverse elements from my training to release blocks, freeing you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I help you to reveal and connect to the truth of yourself, which is key to becoming and feeling complete and whole.

I work with adults and teenagers, as individuals and within schools, groups and corporations across several specialist areas including stress mastery, resilience, anxiety, trauma and depression


It has been a life changing, positive experience and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Your attitude and approach are perfect, calm, empathetic, understanding, non-judgemental, especially for those that are not confident in their ability to reach their goal. ANONYMOUS CLIENT

Get in touch for a free, no-obligation
chat about what I can do to help you

Top Tips to Ease Exam Nerves

To celebrate the publication of TEENS: Teens Easing Exam Nerves I've put together a FREE download with Ten Top Tips to Ease Exam Nerves.

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